Car emergency kit stuff for winter and any other weather type? - poncho towel
OK In the experiment, a set of devices that have to do it in an emergency, perhaps to keep them 1 first aid kit, flashlight, poncho, socks, bags (on the legs to Em Dry) contact allergy tablets, Tylenol, paper towels, a knife, rope, will bring food (granola or power grid), games, tools. All standard commands, but can not think of anything else I need so much as I can have a handicapped brother and stuck with him when he put me as much as possible during these things in a Chevy Blazer 03 why should I give ideas if you have any of the other things
It sounds like your a good start in your kit. If your brother is in any kind of medicine to be sure, have an offer at least a week with you at all times. Keep water in the vehicle at least 2 liters per person per day. If you have access to MRE (meals ready to eat) to get the best for your vehicle, you can heat with a little water in the radiator MRE. Take a little warning triangles, if you pause, so that drivers can see the car in bad weather. They are also a little help from the cat litter for traction, or sand. Keep blankets or sleeping bags for all trips in your vehicle. Spare tire, jack, spanner, extra oil, coolant, tranny (auto).
If you have any questions, please contact me at
Blanket, booster cables, water bottle, gas siphon hose, tape, adhesive tape, ratchet screwdriver tips, pliers, Phillips & flathead screwdrivers, sign up for AAA, aka glow sticks to add lights, towels, toilet paper, with a " / SOS flag, radio and batteries, bandages, antiseptic wipes, Neosporin, gauze pads, ice packs or heat packs, swabs soaked in alcohol moment, scissors, candles, latex gloves, lip balm, anti-ich cream, antacids, toothbrush and toothpaste
Everything else, said everyone!
Add a setting to one flat on your list. And a GPS just in case.
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